When was the Recliner Invented? History of Recliners

when was the recliner invented

Do you also want to know When was the recliner invented? Let’s Embark on a history journey with me to the origin of the recliner and witness its evolution yourself.

A recliner has a fascinating journey through time and has been through different changes, concepts, and lifestyles. It once symbolized royalty, but now it’s become the universal symbol of indulgence and relaxation, and everyone has one in their house.

The recliner is a concept that has been introduced previously; it dates back to the 15th century to the ancient Egypt cavillation. A recliner has been through many series of reinventions over the centuries and is still ongoing. Initially, it was made for a special purpose, but now it become an integral part of every household, offering a comfortable and relaxing escape from the bustle of daily life.

After talking to historians about recliner history, we now have a detailed guide about the history of recliners. So let’s get to it.

When was the Recliner Invented:

A recliner went through a lot in different civilizations. Different people work on it and change it according to their needs. We defined each and each change in its time. So let’s dive into it.

When was the Recliner Invented, history of recliners

Early Origins of Recliners:

The Roots of recliners date back to ancient civilization and mainly to Egypt, but some also trace to early Greece. Their recliners are usually rudimentary yet very innovative and are constructed from wood. In those times, it was called “Klines,” which was not commonly used, and mostly the wealthy people had it.

These recliners differ from modern recliners, but their purpose is the same. It may be used for sleeping or sitting. You find its depiction in the Egyptian carving, where most of their gods were set in recliners.

Later in the 15 century, France developed a chair for their army’s relaxation. That chair resembles a modern recliner because it bends and is also called a recliner.

The First Recliner Design:

The first recliner was designed and invented in England. In 1790 a reclining chair was invented for dentists, which can also be adjustable according to their needs and has a movable headrest.

It was a commercial-purpose recliner that was only used for dentists. Later in 1867, it was modified can be lower to almost 3 feet which was considered good but later felt useless.

Start of Basic Recliner:

The traditional manual recliner that we used to have in our houses was first owned by Napoleon III in 1850. Some historians also say he was the first to invent a recliner. But it’s not true.

Then who invented the recliner? It was the French who created the first basic manual recliner. The French were ingenious and artistic; they always worked on something new and unique.

They developed a chair that can be reclined into a bed-like shape which can be used to relax, and you can also use it for sleeping. Later development focuses on only the army to provide the relaxation they need.

The Revolution of Recliners:

The 19th century it brought a remarkable transformation to recliners. Different investors and designers started experimenting with recliners and trying different mechanisms.

Then two guys from America, Edward Knabush, and Edwin Shoemaker, cousins by relation, take a patent for a trademark for a basic wooden recliner. It was the basic recliner that could be reclined by pulling a lever.

They started a company with that patent in 1927, and the company’s name is La-Z-boy Recliner, which you may be familiar with. People think the company will fail because it doesn’t seem big, but now it is worth millions of dollars.

Modern Recliners:

The modern recliner is an advanced version of the traditional recliner with unique features. All people contribute to modern recliners, but in 1954 a family in Japan made an automatic recliner that was only used for massage at the time, and it was a big hit.

Later in 1968, a therapist named David Palmer invented a chair called “chair in a box.” It was operated by the Power, which considers it the first modern recliner.

But the lazy boy was inspired by the “robotic recliner” and “chair in a box” and made an upgraded version of it, now known as the Modern Recliner. It operates on power and has comfortable upholstery and much more.

20th Century Recliners:

In the 20th century, recliners underwent a remarkable advancement in design and technology. Now it has an amazing design and unique Features you didn’t even think about 30 years ago.

Nowadays, recliners can be customizable like never before. It also has Massage functions, USB ports for charging your devices, a Heat function for cold weather, and different angle adjustments, and all of this can be done by a remote.

Topic Related Questions:

When were Recliners Invented?

The first traditional recliner that we know was invented by the French in 1850. It has the same shape as a recliner and can be reclined to a certain degree.

When was the Lazy Boy Recliner Invented?

The lazy boy recliner was invented in 1927 by two cousins, Edwin Shoemaker and Edward Knabusch. They also started the lazy boy company, which would become a brand later.

Are Recliners Old Fashioned?

The recliner is not old fashioned, and people are saying it because there are a lot of recliners in the market right now, and every one is unique from one. The traditional manual recliner may be old, but it’s good and effective as new recliners.


Recliner has been through a lot in its history and faces different changes. It was invented a couple of centuries ago but is still undergoing many changes. On the 20th, we call the recliner perfect because it has everything it needs but occasionally changes.

I hope You understand when the recliner was invented. For queries like this, you feel free to visit our website.


  • Reclinerinfo Author Abu Bakar

    Welcome to Recliner Info, the ultimate destination for recliner enthusiasts! I'm Abubakar, the proud owner of this website, and I bring over 6 years of extensive experience in the world of recliners. As a passionate recliner aficionado, I've dedicated myself to curating a wealth of knowledge, tips, and recommendations to help you find the perfect recliner for your ultimate comfort and relaxation. Join me on this journey as we delve into the world of recliners, uncover the latest trends, and discover the secrets to transforming your living space into a haven of comfort and style. Get ready to recline in luxury with Recliner Info!

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